1. No game will begin until the FULL MATCH fee is paid

  2. If a team is late for kickoff, a goal will be awarded to the opposing team every 2 minutes that pass from time of kickoff.

  3. Should your team “NO SHOW” for any game, your team will be liable for the “FULL” game fee (both teams game fee). The game will be a forfeit and the score being 3 – 0 to the opposition.

  4. If a team is not able to make a game, you have until 12h00 on the day of the game to re-schedule that game. Should it be after 12h00, the game will be forfeited and your team will be liable for the FULL game fee (for both teams), and the score will be 3-0 to the opposition.

  5. Teams “MAY NOT” postpone/reschedule the first or last game of the season, as well as the “FINAL” round. Games are also scheduled and played on public holidays.

  6. Teams can choose the night of the week they wish to play, but will be given various time slots on that night ranging from 18:00 and 22:00.

  7. Any misconduct whatsoever will not be tolerated at XP Arena and will be dealt with accordingly by management.

  8. Indemnities are to be signed by all players prior to first game.

  9. In the event of bad weather, games will still go ahead. Should there be severe lightning, and at management discretion, games may be called off.

  10. Games go ahead as usual on public holidays.

  11. No Metal Studs.

  12. Players and spectators must promote "Fair Play".

  13. Always respect the match officials' decisions.

  14. All the above rules are final and binding and may not be challenged. XP Arena reserve the right to amend or relax any of the above rules as they deem necessary

You have to be accepted on the field of play not because you are the referee, but because people trust you

Pierluigi Collina | FIFA's "Best Referee of the Year" six consecutive times


  1. Games consist of two 20 minute halves, 40 minutes in total with a 5 minute interval.

  2. Teams consist of a minimum of 5 players and a maximum of 10.

  3. No tackling from behind.

  4. A player in possession of the ball may not carry that ball backwards for more than two steps in an attempt to win a free kick from a "challenge from behind".

  5. No two-on-one tackles.

  6. Goalkeepers may not pick the ball up from a back pass.

  7. Goalkeepers may only handle the ball in the demarcated Goal Box.

  8. Goalkeepers may NOT pick up a back pass if it is played off the rebound wall.

  9. Outfield players may not handle the ball at any time.

  10. If a player carries the ball into the corner circle, opponents may not tackle that player.

  11. The player has 5 seconds before they must leave the corner circle or pass the ball.

  12. Upon leaving the corner circle, a player cannot return until another player has touched the ball.

  13. If after 5 seconds, the player remains in the corner circle, possession of the ball is overturned to the opposition.

  14. If the ball is kicked out on the long sides of the pitch, the opposition continues play from where the ball went out.

  15. If the ball is kicked out on the short sides of the pitch, a corner or goal kick is awarded to the opposition.

  16. No run up is allowed when taking penalties and the standing foot must be grounded at all times.

  17. No sliding is allowed.

  18. The ball cannot be played by a player lying down.

  19. A player who receives a blue card is to be substituted and cannot come back to field of play until 2 minutes has played out.

  20. A player given a yellow card is sent off for two minutes.

  21. A player given a red card is sent off for the remainder of the game.

  22. During a free kick, the opposition player must be a minimum of 2m away from the ball.